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MapInfo® PlanWeb

** This product has been superseeded by MapInfo Stratus **


Organisations often struggle to deploy and derive value from spatial information across a diverse and geographically dispersed enterprise. PlanWeb represents a powerful, function-rich, browser-based corporate intranet GIS solution that can help organisations overcome this.

Screenshot of PlanWeb


Attempting to deploy spatial information across a diverse and geographically dispersed organisation can present major challenges. After all, critical data often resides in departmental silos, inaccessible to most people in the organisation and providing little value to anyone despite its often great potential.

PlanWeb can bridge an organisation's many information islands by providing a scaleable, out-of-the-box, web-based GIS solution. This powerful, function-rich corporate intranet GIS solution runs in a standard Internet Explorer web browser, opening up GIS across the entire organisation.

Features include data manipulation creation and editing; annotations; Spatial SQL Builder; scale printing (within OS-compliant templates); thematic mapping; address search; an overview map; a layer manager with cartographic legend ; a metadata browser; a base map picker; context-sensitive online help; and MapPins. PlanWeb can provide output to Microsoft Word or Excel and it offers native support for MapInfo .TAB, ESRI .SHP, .ECW Raster and Oracle SDO data formats.

With PlanWeb, software tools that were previously the domain of specialist users suddenly become accessible to everyone across the enterprise. Data that was locked up in departmental silos now inform decision-making and analysis across departmental boundaries. In addition, PlanWeb is easy to deploy. New users can be trained and working in as little as 30 minutes.

Help for Local Authorities

PlanWeb was designed with input from location intelligence professionals and Local Authorities and is constantly being improved with feedback from a large user base and a dedicated user group. PlanWeb provides immense GIS functionality for Local Authorities. It has the ability to link to most databases and internal systems, including BS7666 Land and Property Gazetteers, helping make joined-up government a reality. It can even read mapping formats from other GIS.

The PlanWeb Administration Console helps GIS and IT managers as well as systems administrators control users, groups, passwords, access levels to geosets and tables via a simple visual interface. The Administration Console allows complete customisation of the interface and tailored functionality for individual users, or for groups of users. It also incorporates Activity Logging, which enables administrators to monitor usage.

PlanWeb's modular expansion system includes key functionality components that customers can purchase with PlanWeb or install as needed.

Edit Module

The Edit Module adds data capture and editing capability to PlanWeb, making it an even more powerful corporate deployment tool. What's more, the module concurrently brings this functionality to everyone across an organisation. The Edit Module provides several important features for administrators. Using the PlanWeb Administration Console, administrators can set edit permissions on individual layers and assign attribute and feature editing rights independently of each other. The attribute editing feature lends users the right to modify attribute data without allowing them to add or delete records. Feature editing lets users deleting existing records or create new records by digitising them on the map.

The Edit Module also offers key features for end-users. They can leverage PlanWeb annotation tools to draw features into a layer, including polygon, rectangle, circle, point and polyline. They can also use a Polygon Maker to select and group polygons from any layer and merge them, forming a new feature in the editable (active) layer. With PlanWeb and the module, users can manage concurrent editing of TAB files by locking the table during the edit process. And they can edit data held in a spatial database such as Oracle Spatial or Spatialware for SQL Server.

Link Module

The PlanWeb Link Module helps users easily link and embed PlanWeb into other Local Authority systems including desktop software, other web-based applications and back office systems. By linking PlanWeb to other systems, customers can add location intelligence to applications that previously lacked a GIS component. In other words, any dataset or software within an organisation can now benefit from the advantages of geographic analysis.

The Link Module allows users to search for multiple map features using key fields and values. They can carry out searches by specifying a layer and a set of one or more field values. PlanWeb can locate, highlight and zoom in on selected features.
To enable partial address searching, the Link Module allows users to locate and zoom to a specific address by supplying any combination of property names, property numbers, street names or postcodes. If a match is found, PlanWeb then locates and zooms to the matching address or presents a set of matching addresses from which to select.

PlanWeb can also return attribute data from a specific layer to a linked application. Customers use a map tool to click on the specific layer in the PlanWeb map window; it subsequently sends the easting and northing of the location and, if required, the attribute data for the specified layer to the application. PlanWeb displays a link confirmation page, allowing the user to review the data sent back to the application.

Customers can extend the functionality of various software packages by integrating them with PlanWeb. For example, they can use the PlanWeb Link Module and Microsoft WebBrowser Control to embed PlanWeb in a desktop application.

Or they can link PlanWeb to a web-based application or web page.

Mapping Copyright

Ordnance Survey (opens in a new window) provides all of the mapping on this site under licence to CDR Group. Mapping is provided only for the purpose of demonstration.

Anyone wishing to use the mapping information held on this site for their own use must make their own separate arrangements with Ordnance Survey. Any unauthorised use will infringe Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. © Crown Copyright
CDR Group Licence number ALD18123A.

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